

Urticaria and angioedema can appear acutely or chronically.

Acute allergic urticaria and angioedema are due to exposure to an allergen: food, medication, wasp, bee, latex, contact.

In this case, urticaria and angioedema are part of an anaphylactic-type reaction, or even anaphylactic shock.

When allergic angioedema occurs in the throat, it’s called angioedema.

Sometimes urticaria and angioedema appear transiently as part of an immune stress: virus, fatigue.

Chronic urticaria and angioedema are linked either to a skin problem, or to a systemic disease: autoimmune disease, immune disorders, HIV, certain cancers.



  • mosquito bite-type lesions, raised, appearing rapidly and disappearing in principle without trace
  • itching
  • rashes


  • swelling, very annoying when it appears in the face

Treatment of urticaria and angioedema

In the case of anaphylaxis or allergy, it’s imperative to avoid the allergen and carry an emergency kit containing self-injectable adrenaline, among other things.

If you have an allergy to wasps or bees, you’ll need to carry an emergency kit and undergo desensitization in order to cure the allergy and avoid accidents.

For other forms of urticaria and angioedema, if an underlying disease has been ruled out, treatment is essentially symptomatic.

Dr Nicolas ROUX


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